Friday, May 16, 2014

"Pain goes away but it's never that far"

Days like today remind me why I started my blog in the first place. I wanted to inspire people to live life lighter and let go of whatever is holding them back. To remember each day is a new one and you can be WHOEVER you wanna be.
Our alter ego is in all of us, but each and everyone of us needs reminded of it.
I know I do. I believe there will always be ups and downs when your never really are able to let go of  an unforgettable pain from the past. It can be triggered inside of you from the slightest thing. A scent, taste, hearing a similar story..... before you know it your replaying a memory you thought you had erased. 
My goal in Find your alter ego is to not only to help any of you out there who need help fighting your demons and making your day a positive one, but to help myself. 
To practice what you preach. 

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful ! Good luck doll the pain will decrease by time !


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