Every single person that you encounter on your day to day routine has their own problems to deal with. What is strange is how each of us choose to approach them. I don't understand how some people choose to give up. Your life can be anything you want to be with hard work and determination. It's never over. Why not you?
Which leads me to an amazing woman who in 5 years went from poverty to a multi millionaire, Joanne Rowling. A friend showed me a quote yesterday from J.K. Rowling and I was immediately intrigued. We know her from her amazing Harry Potter series, but I know I had no idea about her struggles to get where she is today.
"I was set free because my greatest fear had been realized and I still had my daughter, who I adored, I had an old typewriter, and a big idea. And so rock bottom become a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life." Here she talks about her reasoning behind the beginning, a dream bigger than just herself, but her ability to care for her daughter. She experienced ups and downs before getting to her current self. She was an English teacher who got my married and then started a family. But in a blink of an eye things can change Joanne Rowling did not let her divorce and fear of taking care of her daughter stop her from making her dream a reality. I admire her will and ability to transform her talent into a life changing part of her story.
We all go through different chapters good and bad, but remember to change the page. You write the book for your path, change it how you wish. There's always room for a better you.
Great advice! I think that Joe Rogan promotes the same ideology by encouraging people to "be the hero of your own story." When waking up each day you decide how your story will go, it's your choice if you want to be the idealized hero for doing the right thing every day, you can play that role in your story. http://www.highexistence.com/videos/view/joe-rogan-be-the-hero-of-your-own-story/