Wednesday, June 18, 2014


It feels like years since I've been able to blog with family in town and my two year old daughter's birthday it's been chaos to say the least!! So I am so happy to be back I need this thing it feeds my soul!! So I just wanted to feed y'all with some motivation for the day can't wait to get back in the swing of things!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

What if you found $40,000!!?

I heard this story on the radio last night and it pulled on my heart strings!! If you went today and bought a couch at a thrift shop and found a nice surprise tucked in your new couch cushions....... and by a nice surprise I mean envelopes of money!!! What would you do??
Well these New York students did the right thing when they found themselves in this situation this past week.
Three young men went to buy this old $20.00 couch and when taking their first seat they found envelopes with a woman's name on them. Inside these envelopes was the name's life savings of $40,000. While in the hospital for a broken hip her children sold the couch not knowing the true value of the old thing. The boys did the right thing and reached out to the name on the envelope. They were rewarded with $1,000 for returning the money and the knowing that they did the right thing. What sweethearts their mama's raised those boys right.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Flash Mob for Amy

Some of us have had to deal with the death of a loved one way to soon. But what do you do when something as tragic as cancer ends up on your doorstep?
I hope my family would rejoice like Amy's did when they found out about her ovarian cancer. They did not dwell on the outcome, but instead reminded Amy what she lives for. What we all should live for.... the people we care about most.
I can only hope my loved ones will surprise me with a flash mob of 50 people when I need it most!!!
We all need to learn to celebrate our lives and what we live for!!
Check it out!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Do you suffer from anxiety? Here's some food for thought and another reason you should get out your yoga mat!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Who has tips on self tanning? I am so tired of being pale and let's face it everything looks smaller when tan!! I have tried so many brands and yes I end up tan, but also like a Dalmatian.  My girlfriend who is the master of the self tan tells me to mix it with lotion. But I always end up going straight for a spray can. I'm trying out this Neutrogena micro mist airbrush sunless tan 
Wish me luck! 
Any tips for next time? 


For as long as I can remember people have not been able to understand me....not even in the slightest. I am different. I accept this, but what I can not accept is the people I care about not being able to see through what the average eye sees. I do not allow just anyone in because I am scared of the outcome. I do not expect them to understand, but only to look past what seems like flaws from an outside perspective to find the good that people that really know me can find.  My passion is and always will be my biggest downfall. I do not know how to separate my passion for my relationships with caring so much it hurts from my anger that lashes out so hard it destroys. My passion will always be replaced with anger I have fought to control it, but instead I have let it ruin some of the most important relationships to me. At the end of the day there is only one friendship that I wish I could change the outcome of......that I feel was a victim of this characteristic of myself that I wish I could express differently.. it would be ours.. K.B 

Take your judgement elsewhere

Can not help it I love this clan! They put it all out there with a take it or leave it attitude.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Watch it grow

I currently live in a condo, but there is not a day that goes by where I am not on my Internet search looking for a house for our little family. The main reason is my adventurous toddler NEEDS a backyard. Mama needs a backyard too because I am dying to start a garden. Not only to be proud of my beautiful flowers and feel accomplished the first time I cook with one of my delicious tomatoes, but for my daughter and me. For us to have a special hobby and place where we can go to watch our planets grow, but more importantly our relationship.
Nola (my daughter) loves flowers, so since we can not have our garden I dream of now we decided to start out smaller.
We are starting out with this...

A small plant we purchased for $5.99 and since then it has brightened both of our days ever since we bought it home, four days ago. When we bought it it did not have any buds, but as you can see in the picture above our beautiful flowers are starting to bloom. :)
I had no idea my two year old would not only enjoy are plant as much as she does, but understand the process of making it grow. Each day we have sat on our little patio, watered the plant, and then I sit back with a smile as Nola talks up a storm and loves on our baby. This is such a good activity in soo many ways, I urge you to try this one out.
It also makes for a fun activity just walking around looking at all the flowers while searching for your plant. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

"Pain goes away but it's never that far"

Days like today remind me why I started my blog in the first place. I wanted to inspire people to live life lighter and let go of whatever is holding them back. To remember each day is a new one and you can be WHOEVER you wanna be.
Our alter ego is in all of us, but each and everyone of us needs reminded of it.
I know I do. I believe there will always be ups and downs when your never really are able to let go of  an unforgettable pain from the past. It can be triggered inside of you from the slightest thing. A scent, taste, hearing a similar story..... before you know it your replaying a memory you thought you had erased. 
My goal in Find your alter ego is to not only to help any of you out there who need help fighting your demons and making your day a positive one, but to help myself. 
To practice what you preach. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Canvas People

I am sure many of you have ordered canvas photos before, but they are my new obsession! When I hang my new photo that I absolutely love, all blown up it completely lightens the whole vibe of the room. 
I am now on my third canvas and have gotten the last two for only the cost of shipping!! So I wanted to make sure your going through the right company! There are a million in one companies to choose from, but as soon as I signed up with canvas people and bought my first photo I will not order from anyone else. 
I constantly have a new deal in my email that is too good to refuse!! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014


There are soo  many emotions that come along with motherhood, but the most The bond between mother and daughter is unexplainable. Today I send my love to all the mother's out there that are blessed enough to get to experience that bond and love every single day. I know we usually get all the gratitude, but lets count our lucky stars.


Friday, May 9, 2014

No excuses

Hey y'all so even though I have not posted about it I'm still keeping up with my 30 day challenge!! I'm still getting up for my 6 am hot yoga classes and I feel better than ever. On days I do not take a class I still try and dedicate 30 minutes a day to some sort of exercise. Now ladies I know it is sooo easy to use our children as an excuse to why we can not exercise. But let's all admit it is just that.... an excuse! So when ever your mini me is running around the park getting their exercise get off the bench and switch off from your squats, lunges, anything to get you moving!! If your babe is to young for the park, use nap time to your advantage!! Do a quick work out video on your on demand or netflix! No excuses!!
So I know I look a little silly here, but whatever it takes! Nola wanted to play in the sandbox so I got my squats in on a wobbly log! :)

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Within the past year I have fallen in love with Kate Spade. I can not begin to tell you how much I adore her. I adore her inspiring random one liners you find through out her collections and the bold one word statements. If I go to her site before a blink of in eye I have 30 items in my wish list!! Today when I got my daily email, she made me fall in love with her even more.,en_US,sc.html?

Click on the link above and find out what she's up to next and help support on purpose!!!
I know I'm getting this bracelet in several colors such a great cause!! 

photo of the day

These are mentality challenged parents who are raising their beautiful healthy little girl. This picture brings me to tears not because I feel bad for this family, but because this is inspiration for every mother and father out there who do not step up to the plate. Anything is possible when you set your mind to it. Our children are everything. What we teach them now is building the world they will live in when we are gone. To all you dead beat parents, I hope you wake up and realize your children need you.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Every single day of my life I battle with trying to find the courage to forgive you. Our whole lives we have all been taught you must forgive who caused the pain in order to move past it. What if you have tried with all of who you are, but still find yourself holding on to the same grudges you have tried so hard to let go of?
It's like she wants it to be this way, I reach deep inside of me with hope I will wake up one morning and feel different...... but I don't. I know and believe God wants us to forgive over, over, and over again. But why can't it be that easy?
Matthew 18:21
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times? "Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."
I try again and again, but what if it is not a matter of forgiveness. What if it's character with in her that will never not repeat... what if she continues to hurt me over and over and over. Am I still suppose to continue to be opened armed and filled with forgiveness? A part of me gave up on you along time ago, but the other half still has faith.

Are any of you in this situation and have any type of inspiring insight?

Black Roses

I can see your eyes staring into mine. But it's a battlefield
and you're on the other side.
You can throw your words sharper than a knife.
And leave me cold
in another house on fire.
I lay low, lay low,
and I watch the bridges burn.
I lay low, lay low,
What more could I have done?
Now you only bring me black roses
And they crumble in the dust when they're held.
Now you only bring me black roses
Under your spell.
She told me twice, all her good advice.
But I couldn't see
I was clouded by your lies.
Up in smoke, a vision she foretold.
She said stay away
'cause that boy's a warning sign.
I lay low, lay low,
and watch the bridges burn.
Now you only bring me black roses.
And they crumble in the dust when they're held.
Now you only bring me black roses
Under your spell.
And I'm done try'na be the one,
Picking up the broken pieces.
And I'm done try'na be the one,
Who says I love you dear.
But I'm leaving.
Now you only bring me black roses.
And they crumble in the dust when they're held.
Now you only bring me black roses
But I'm not under your spell,
I'm not under your spell,
I'm not under your spell,
I'm not under your spell,
I'm not under your spell.
Oooooooh, oooh

Read more: Nashville Cast - Black Roses Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


I'm sure a lot of you have heard of the abduction on April 15th where 300 girls ages 14 to 18 were taken from their school in Nigeria. While some escaped there are still over 200 girls being held hostage with a threat of being sold by a Islamist extremist group, Boko Haram. Today President Obama made a statement that the United States would do everything in its power to help bring these girls home to their families and find away to put a stop to organizations like this. Stories like these literally break my heart. It is not just an expression our children OUR the future it is a fact and it's up to us to give them the right stepping stones to build it. I will never under stand the mindset of these people, they should be wishing for nothing less then nurture and guidance for these children, but instead they rip them from their homes scaring them for life due to this traumatic event.
Any individual that follows a religion that believes "education is sinful" needs to immediately rethink their beliefs. Sorry, but that's my opinion..
My prayers go out to all these brave little girls that I pray will get home safely and be able to continue furthering their educations.

Giveaway for my hot mama's!!!!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to check out our blog giveaway! I have loved checking out your hot mama tips. We will know the winner soon!! :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

An angel who walked among us

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."

"As you grow older, you will discover you have two hands, one for helping yourself and one for helping others."

"Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future."

That Special day back in 1929

Yesterday was a busy day for me so it's been bothering me all day that I did not get my post in before midnight to say Happy Birthday to one of my biggest influences. Not only is she one of the most inspiring icons for decades but I also consider her to be one of the biggest hearts to cross the big screen, in case you didn't guess yet...the answer is the stunning Audrey Hepburn. For as long as I can remember I have adored her for her undeniable poise, classic style, and her natural beauty. But as I've gotten older I now realize there was so much more to love about Ms.Hepburn.
Audrey played in 31 films and was one of the few people to ever win an academy, Grammy, Tony, and Emmy award but these were no where near her greatest accomplishments. Later in life she realized she wanted put her efforts and passion into something else that had always moved her. So from 1988 to 1992 she dedicated her life to  traveling the world with UNCIF visiting orphanages, walking the villages, and talking with leaders to try and fix life threatening issues. When you read her thoughts of her travels to the rough environments of south America, Somalia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Japan, Sudan, and Turkey it deeply inspires me. Here is a quote from where you can find sad, but interesting details of her travels from "Audrey Hepburn- ambassador of children", this quote below can give you an idea how passionate she was about the hungry.
"I went into rebel country and saw mothers and their children who had walked for ten days, even three weeks, looking for food, settling onto the desert floor into makeshift camps where they may die. Horrible. That image is too much for me. The "Third World" is a term I don't like very much, because we're all one world. I want people to know that the largest part of humanity is suffering, that starvation exists even in a wealthy country like America - which is scandalous, a true disgrace...."
To me her biggest accomplishment was making her final trip in 1992 to Somalia just four short months before she died of cancer. She literally devoted herself  to making a difference in these starving malnourished children's life each step of the way until the day that she died. The world needs more people like this caring beauty. Audrey you inspire me with every step I take, Happy Birthday!! Know that you are remembered and adored.

Friday, May 2, 2014

30 day challenge

Bikini season is just around the corner, but when I took a look in the mirror I wanted to cry!! When my daughter was born I busted my butt to lose the eighty pounds I had gained. I got so close, but some how I became comfortable with almost to my goal weight.
 Now that my daughter is almost two years old I am wondering how I allowed myself to be satisfied with this extra 15 pounds I've been carrying around. 
So after being motivated by a dear friend I decided it is time to step out of my comfort zone and push myself for the month of May. It starts with Bikram's Hot Yoga three days a week at six am. Why on earth would I go to a six am class you ask...... because I have to go before my daughter wakes up or don't go at all. Which leads me to another part of my challenge..NO EXCUSES. We all can find an excuse not to work out because let's face it most of us do not enjoy working out until we see results! :) But we have to force ourselves to make it a priority. All of us want to be happy with the reflection we see in the mirror. 
The hardest part of my month of May challenge is to eat healthy. One thing I can not resist is carbs, salts, and sweets. So I have been trying to find healthy alternatives while still keeping things I enjoy in my diet. Eggs for breakfast, grilled chicken for lunch or dinner, and fruit for snacks. My main goal is to slowly cut out my favorite thing in the world... Dr.Pepper and absolutely no fast food!! It isn't easy, but a bikini bod is worth it. 
Start your own challenge for the month of May. Set your own guidelines no matter how big or small, but start tomorrow. You can do anything you set your mind to and there is nothing that can replace the feeling of setting a goal that seems impossible and accomplishing it. Take a before and after picture so you can look at your transformation and be proud.
Seems simple right... think again I almost passed out :)

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

bareMinerals - Mother's Day Giveaway!

Mother’s Day is fast approaching so I’m teaming up with Caryna over at Becoming Mrs. Carter for a Hot Mama’s Giveaway!!!

Being a mom is a tough job! Whether you work full time or are a SAHM it’s rare that you get a lot of time to yourself. We wanted to focus this giveaway on all of the hard working mamas out there.

The Prize:
Bare Minerals: One Hot Mama gift set
Set includes:

  • Mini Well-Rested Face & Eye Brightener (0.02 fl. oz.)
  • Glee All-Over Face Color (sheer rosy blush) (0.05 oz.)
  • Mini Flawless Application Face Brush
  • Flawless Definition Mascara in Black (0.33 fl. oz.)
  • Mini Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in Smooth Talker (golden pink)

  • The rules are simple:

    1.       Follow both of your host’s blogs (bloglovin’ or google+ works!)

    2.       Interact with us! We want to hear what makeup item makes you feel like a Hot Mama! Comment on this post with your favorite “on the go” beauty product

    3.       Earn some extra points by following us on twitter/pinterest

    Contest begins at 12:00pm EST

    USA entrants only. Ends at 1200 (noon) on 05/06/2014. Winner will be contacted via email and will have 48 hrs to respond. If winner does not respond within 48 hrs a new winner will be chosen.

    These days I am all about the lips, adding a little color works wonders! How easy is it to apply your favorite lip balm? That's why the Revlon just bitten kissable balm stain is my new must!! It goes on smooth and feels great while giving you tons of colors to choose from at an affordable price. I have four in my purse right now! The next time your at the grocery store stroll down the cosmetics aisle and make this purchase. I promise you will not regret it.

    Tuesday, April 29, 2014

    My heart goes out

    It seems like yesterday that disaster hit in a town called, Joplin. Which is why it did not seem real when I thought my family was going to have to live it once again this past Sunday. On May 11th 2011 the deadliest tornado since 1947 touched down in my hometown where my family and dearest friends reside. My mom and my little brother lived in the path the deadly tornado choose to take that day. Although my mom did loose her home it did not matter because she lived through this horrible experience when too many others did not. So when a tornado touched down in the Midwest on April 27th my heart began to race. Not only for my own family, but for every single family taking shelter that day. So many of us can relate to dealing with natural disasters. I want to send my love to every family who experienced a loss that day almost 3 years ago and I want to send my prayers to anyone who is dealing with yesterday's casualties in Arkansas and Oklahoma.

    Monday, April 28, 2014

    Hey You

    Dear a$$hole who goes out to dinner and is rude to their server,
    If you snap your fingers to get your server's attention, find the smallest things to complain about, or believe you are self entitled, this is for you. Where along the lines did you get the idea you are better than someone because they work in customer service? We are choosing to serve you... And oh by the way many of us bartenders and servers make just as much as you do sitting at your desk job. But this is besides the point, I was raised to treat people equally it doesn't matter if your speaking to your the trash man or the president we all deserve the same respect. If I see one more person turn their nose up to their server over their petty problems or hurt their servers feelings to make themselves feel better I'm going to lose it. At the end of the day I will continue to kill you with kindness because I feel sorry for you. Think twice the next time you wanna take your bad day out on the person who enjoys to serve you your dinner. 
    Your waitress 

    Thursday, April 24, 2014

    yay or nay?

    I personally love Kourtney's look in the picture below as she went swimming in Las Vegas. For a woman who just turned 35 and a mama of two I absolutely love to see her show off her assets with confidence!! I know some of you may not be a fan, but I think she's stepping out for all of us mom's who still want to feel sexy. Even if you wouldn't wear it you must admit she looks good. What do you think?

    Tuesday, April 22, 2014

    Photo of the day

    Happy Earth Day!!! 

    An idea for your mama on her special day

    Mother's day is coming up so I wanted to give y'all a fun idea that I want to try and would love to receive. Here is the link I found of this cool/ idea that gives you a step-by-step how to.

    Any Thoughts?

      This morning while grocery shopping it was time to re up on cleaning products. I automatically reach for all the Clorox products assuming that they can get my house the cleanest. But while putting them away in my cabinets I couldn't help, but think of a recent debate I had with a friend that got me questioning..... am I buying the best product for my family while actually getting surfaces clean? My friend recently convinced me that Apple cider vinegar will clean your counter tops just as well as your leading Clorox brand while leaving your family safe of the chemicals that come along with it.
      As we discussed this common debate we realized maybe it is all in your head. We all associate the smell of bleach and chemicals with clean, but in reality this may not necessarily be true. Even though I did come to agree with my girlfriend, I still continue to reach for the Clorox. Thinking when I drop it the cart nothing will get my house cleaner. Do any of you out there clean with apple cider vinegar that can vouch for a clean house for your family? I want the best for my daughter and husband, but am still skeptical of the switch to my cleaning routine.

    No Regrets

    Sunday, April 20, 2014

    Be Happy

    Happy Easter!!!!
    I hope your all surrounded by loved ones and rooms filled with laughter.

    Fabulous even while enjoying dessert

    I enjoy ladies night more than ever now that I have a daughter. I usually save my nights to go out for special occasions, but this Saturday was one of those nights. It was my girlfriends birthday, but sadly this time around I could not attend. So instead I decided to make her a special treat. I wanted to share these because they are perfect for any girly event and are a lot easier to make then you think. The way to everyone woman's heart..... High heel cupcakes.   
    Here is a picture of the necessities needed, depending on your budget you can add candy pearls, bows, and many other sassy decorations.  
    To begin you bake your cupcakes the same way you always do and let them cool all the way before any decorations. 
    My only problem I came across in this step is not being able to resist this...
    After your cupcakes have cooled you cut a slit in the middle of the cupcake to slide the Milano cookie into at an angle. 
    Then you cut your cream filled wafer stick in half these will be the heel to your shoe. 
    You will use your icing as paste to attach your heel to the bottom of the cookie. 
    Once you know you have assembled a sturdy shoe, it's time for the fun part! Designing your pair of not only tasty, but fabulous shoes!
    Here is my finished project I'm pretty proud of these since they are my first try. 

    Trust me if I can do it you can too! I had a blast making these and will def practice perfecting my skills on the next occasion for the ladies!!!! 

    Friday, April 18, 2014

    Iris Michelle

     Today is a special day that I hold dear to my heart because it is my dear friends birthday. She is someone who will forever be in my heart because she was my very first friend when I moved to Virgina from Missouri. I do not know if any of you reading have ever made a drastic move in your life, but it changes everything and you find your self, more than ever needing someone to lean on. Iris was that someone for me, she made me feel alive again after leaving everything I knew and feeling empty.
      Now more than ten years later I look back at are wild ride together and I appreciate Iris more than ever. At this point in my life I am searching for ways to express my inner self, that I do not get the chance to show often enough (hints why I choose the name of my blog). I have always been able to express myself and be comfortable showing any side of who I am to Iris. I know she believes in me as I believe in her. I value our friendship. Thank you for always understanding who I am and who I wanna be.
    From the bottom of my heart, I love you Miss Walker.
    Happy Birthday!!

    If any of you have that friendship that means the world to you, that you feel has made a difference in your life... make sure they know it. What better day to express it than today.

    Win a trip for your Disney Princess!

    My daughter is a huge fan of Disney Junior and while watching this morning there was a sweepstakes I wanted to share with you. It is as simple as sending a text message. We all know we are professionals at that. :)
    So win a unforgettable trip for three to California for your special little girl by texting pets to 347639
    Check out the page below for more details

    Photo of the day

    Water is calming. 
    By K.M.G. 

    Thursday, April 17, 2014

    I am officially a Lovatic

    Most of us do not have to deal with what comes along with being a celebrity which is the bad feed back along with the good. For every fan who loves them there is a fan that loves to hate them. Social media is the perfect place for these fans to express how they feel. After Demi tweeted what I talked about below she followed with retweeting one of her followers tweets "fatty," along with her response "you are beautiful." I love how Miss Lovato backs her words up with actions it says a lot about the type of person she is.

    Push Postive

     I can not begin to understand why people insist on vandalizing, stealing, or anything to hurt someone they do not know. Yesterday I dealt with one of these issues first hand and today I am still shocked. My husband works a lot and we look forward to our Wednesday's together as a family. So you can imagine how we felt when we go to place our daughter in the car and find that it  had been keyed. Not only did someone run their key all the way down the passenger side they wrote a nice message on the spoiler... F*c* you. After a police report was made they seemed to think it was a random act... I immediately think why me?! I try to believe in giving out positive vibes and you will receive them in return. Kind of like how they say a smile will go a long way, but when things like this happen its hard to stay positive.
    So even though things like this feels like a smack in the face it is just a bump in the road. I decided instead of getting angry I would put my anger into making my friend cupcakes for her birthday because I do not wanna give out a negative for receiving a negative. I think we should all try to work together to make each day a happier one(even though I know its hard when NOTHING is going your way). But a smile, holding the door open, or any nice gesture goes along way for those of us receiving the negative out there for the day(it could be you tomorrow).
     Which leads me to someone who brought these feelings out in me this week. I found in article about Demi Lovatos response to people out there bullying her about her weight. When the tweets starting rolling into Miss Lovatos inbox she responded with "Dear haters, you don't have to like me cause I love you . Everyone's equal, everyone has a soul and everyone deserves to be loved.(heart emoji)"
    "Dear Lovatics, for every hater tweet-don't respond with hate but love and positivity.. Try love instead of combat." As much as it can be hard to kill meanness with kindness it only benefits you. I am going to try and live each day with a brighter out look and deal with the negative differently. Like Demi said, "don't respond with hate but love" and I think we can all change our daily vibes, even if we have gotten the short end of the stick for the day.

    Monday, April 14, 2014

    Photo of the day

    "There are always flowers for those who want to see them." Henri Matisse 

    Saturday, April 12, 2014

    Photo of the day

    Fresh air is key 
    Taken by K.M.G. 

    The nature in all of us

     Our dreams are only as big as we allow them to be and we all choose are own paths. But the question is what inside of us forces some of us to reach for dreams that are too big for others to even picture? Why do some of us have drive that can't be stopped, while the other percentage of us struggle to roll out of bed each morning? This leads me to an ongoing debate....nature versus nurture.
     This is a debate I find myself having more often than not. Somewhere down the line by my mother or Midwest mentality I was taught that my dreams would come true when I found my prince, got married, and started a family. Now that I have an amazing husband and my wonderful mini me, I could not be more thankful. But I do realize now my family is a blessing that I was lucky enough to be given, not a dream that I chased and conquered.
    To me our dreams are something you have to fight for, a competition to be the best of something you are passionate about, and to make a living while doing something you love. I do not think that type of dedication is something you can be taught, but your nature to fight and strive for more.
    I think that each of us struggle with what we were taught is the cookie cutter right way to be and the person inside of us that we wish we could be. Lately, Ive been trying to tap into what my dreams are really made of and I think you should too. Whatever it may be let's all try and strive for something that we have always wanted to do, but always thought was too big. Because who ever convinced you that it was..... is wrong.

    Thursday, April 10, 2014

    Do you have a bucket list?

       Today I read an article about a 21 year old girl, Kristina Chesterman that was killed by a drunk driver. No one ever wants to hear about a young girl or boy losing their life before they could live it. But in Kristina's case there is an inspiring story underneath the tragedy. Kristina was an organ donor and because of this she saved the life of a 64 year old Susan Vieria who was suffering from congestive heart failure. Kristina was a nursing student who had big dreams she hoped to complete.                    
       Kristina had a bucket list that now Susan swears to complete as if it was her own. We all say life is too short, but how many of us live each day to the fullest? After hearing this story I too want to create and complete my own bucket list. The world is a mysterious beautiful place, why not explore it.

    My Beginning to "My Bucket list"
    1. Visit Ireland during the week of Saint Patrick's day for the sole purpose of going to the Jameson distillery.
    2. Swim in the blue waters of the Fiji island
    3. Make a life changing difference in someones life
    4. Publish a book
    To be continued.....

    Monday, April 7, 2014

    safe kids

    Here Drew Barrymore and Ciara are not only looking stunning, but supporting the Safe kids day in Los Angeles. They both our within weeks of giving birth and are still on there feet glowing while volunteering their time.
    The safe kids campaign works to raise awareness of ways to stop preventable accidents. On their website they tell us "preventable accidents are the number one killer of kids in the U.S. and each year a million families around the world lose a child to these accidents." What a great cause my heart and prayers go out to all the families that are dealing with a loss of their child

    Pregnant never looked soo good

    Lately every where I look there is talk about a new celebrity pregnancy, but more importantly what eye catching maternity wear will they step out in next. I look at pictures of when my mom was pregnant and woman had a choice of baggy t-shirts or dresses that looked like hospital gowns. I then think about my pregnancy which was only 2 short years ago and how much maternity clothes have evolved even since then.
    The clothes we wear are the best way of expressing ourselves and one thing that I can not stand is how people seem to think you lose all of who you are when you have a child. I only gained one more title (yes it is the most important title of my life)... mom. Now that my daughter is now about to turn 2 we are ready for baby number two. But I immediately start to panic when I think about the weight gain and once again feeling like I've lost a piece of me when none of my wardrobe fits me anymore.
    This time around I Will make sure it is different and you can too. Women in the public eye have made this possible for us. Thank you Kim K for getting designers to see pregnant women want to look sexy too. Mama's and mama's to be don't lose yourself. Tomorrow morning wake up and get dolled up! We are more than sweat pants and baggy t shirts.

    Saturday, April 5, 2014

    Photo of the day

    I had to repost these pictures taken by a photographer named Nick Meek. I am postive you have never seen something this magical and beyond stunning. He collected 8 million flower petals to complete his job for Sony. Whoever was the creative mind behind this is genius. 
    The petals were placed in this volcano, when they erupted it was an astonishing sight to see!! The vibrant colors rained over a close by town. I would have done anything to walk those streets and experience this unusual sight to see. 

    Friday, April 4, 2014

    Photo of the day

    You have a choice

    life gives you lemons make lemonade

    Every single person that you encounter on your day to day routine has their own problems to deal with. What is strange is how each of us choose to approach them. I don't understand how some people choose to give up. Your life can be anything you want to be with hard work and determination. It's never over. Why not you?
    Which leads me to an amazing woman who in 5 years went from poverty to a multi millionaire, Joanne Rowling. A friend showed me a quote yesterday from J.K. Rowling and I was immediately intrigued. We know her from her amazing Harry Potter series, but I know I had no idea about her struggles to get where she is today.
    "I was set free because my greatest fear had been realized and I still had my daughter, who I adored, I had an old typewriter, and a big idea. And so rock bottom become a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life." Here she talks about her reasoning behind the beginning, a dream bigger than just herself, but her ability to care for her daughter. She experienced ups and downs before getting to her current self. She was an English teacher who got my married and then started a family. But in a blink of an eye things can change Joanne Rowling did not let her divorce and fear of taking care of her daughter stop her from making her dream a reality. I admire her will and ability to transform her talent into a life changing part of her story.
    We all go through different chapters good and bad, but remember to change the page. You write the book for your path, change it how you wish. There's always room for a better you.

    Thursday, April 3, 2014

    Photo of the day

    Today's photo makes me smile from ear to ear. A dedicated mother who is teaching her son to be as persistent as she is. Here you can see him greeting her with flowers to congratulate her for accomplishing her degree. 

    Please help

    There is a terrifying word with just 6 letters that way too many of us have experienced amongst our families.....Cancer. Many of us have done whatever it takes to be the support our loved ones need through out the fight. In my case before I knew it the rolls were reversed. It is astonishing how our sick loved ones hold their heads high and end up being the strength that hold the family together.

    Every loss is a heartbreak, but recently it has been brought to my attention just how many children are having to be that strength. Something that no family should ever have to fight through is the loss of a child. So after doing some research the numbers were mind blowing. Over 10,000 children were diagnosed with cancer a year making this the leading cause for death in children through disease. There are ways to help in this fight which leads to my inspiration today Evelyn Smallwood.

    Evelyn watched first hand when her best friends daughter, Sydney passed away from blood cancer at just 2 years old. After being by her friends side for one of lives biggest hurdles Evelyn decided to make a difference. She is taking on the challenge of running for Man and woman of the year in the DC area. A short period of 10 weeks where she will try and raise over $200,000 for children with leukemia. My heart reaches out to Evelyn for her passion to be that support system and take the time out of her busy life to fight to make a difference. She cant do it alone. Please help donate over the next ten weeks, I believe in Evelyn and the cause. Help spread the word!!!!

    Wednesday, April 2, 2014

    That someone who uses her hours in every day better than Queen B herself

    It seems like every article I open through my social media is a new heart wrenching, life ending story. I wanna write about the people who inspire us to be better. People who motivate us to reach for dreams that seem unreachable. We all have something or someone inside of us that is dying to be that story of the person who made a difference.
    So today my inspiration comes from the heart. Instead of someone I read about on a blog or Facebook page, watched on a documentary, or heard about on the radio, but it is one of my closest friends. In the ten years plus I have known her I have never crossed a more hard working vibrant individual. I have always envied her for her ability to use her "Beyonce hours"!! I don't know about you, but I have never had the discipline to get up at 6 am for my morning run, then work my two jobs, and oh by the way I think I will go to school full time while I'm at it. But at the end of the day my love for KG had nothing to do with her work effort. It was the person she has remained even with so much on her plate.
    I think the world needs more people like my friend KG. People that no matter what find the time. She always finds the time to reach out to those in need and truly care about her loved ones problems. In these crazy lives we live, we all tend to get caught up and forget about what is going on in the world around us. She has always been willing to wake up that extra hour knowing it will make a difference. Anyone who knows me knows I am a dreamer and believe anything is possible. I've gotten a lot laughs and doubtful looks, but Kristin only ever motivates me to be the very best in whatever my next big idea may be. She believes in me before I believe in myself.
    So today I reach out to my dear friend to say from day one you have inspired me. Promise me you will never lose that sparkle and your ability to make others believe in themselves again. I hope we can all take a lesson from B and KG and take an hour to reach out to someone that has fallen and needs an old friend to pick them up.
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